STC Calculator 

You can use our Solar Calculator to quickly get an estimated STC value for a solar system in any suburb in Australia. The default price we’ve used is $33 (we’ll add the ability to edit the price soon). Enter your postcode in the General Inputs section, then adjust the system size in the Solar System Design section, and you will see the STC rebate amount respond accordingly.

STCs or Small Technology Certificates, explained

The primary solar rebate available in Australia is the federal government’s STCs (Small Technology Certificates). This is available for virtually all Australian residential systems (and commercial systems up to 100kW). There are a few different factors involved in determining the amount you will receive back for your solar system (you can use our Solar Calculator to find out). However, the majority of Australians (Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Adelaide and Perth) in 2023 can expect about a $2600 rebate for a 6kW system, whilst those in Melbourne and Tasmania can expect closer to $2300.

A few important points about STCs

  • Your solar retailer will claim the STCs on your behalf, so you get the rebate up front and do not have to worry about claiming the rebate.

  • Your solar quote will (at least should) show the amount you pay after the STC discount. It should also clearly break down the cost of the system, and the amount taken for the STCs.

  • The quantity of STCs your system is eligible for is dependent on how much sun your receive (each postcode in Australia is given a “zone” based on it’s solar irradiation (sunlight)).

  • The reason for the above is that the certificates are based on how much greenhouse gases your solar panels will offset, and they will offset more in an area with more sunlight.