Microinverter Comparison Chart
Below is our detailed comparison of the most popular microinverters available in the Australian, European, Asian and US markets. Enphase Energy and APsystems are the most well-known microinverter manufacturers, while ZJBeny, Hoymiles & ZJ Beny recently entered the increasingly competitive market. The latest models added in 2024 are the new 3-phase IQ8-3P series from Enphase, the new SAJ M2 Series, and the NEO 2000M-X quad micro from Growatt.
Since many of these microinverters have just become available, please provide any professional feedback here.
Other inverter comparison charts:
MicroInverter Comparison Chart 2024
MPPT String voltage range - Some manufacturers only specify the full operating MPPT voltage range, while others provide the optimal MPPT voltage range for maximum power and efficiency. Outside the optimal voltage range, the inverter will still generate power but at a reduced capacity. Refer to manufacturers’ datasheets for complete details.
* This chart is to be used as a guide only - Check the latest manufacturers’ specifications and datasheets before selecting an inverter. Inverter models may vary by country or region.
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